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You are viewing an older version of the ATB. The most recent version of this page is for 2024.

Electricity Annual Technology Baseline (ATB) Data Download

Before downloading ATB data, read the disclaimer agreement and this guide to technical limitations. All files are stored on the Open Energy Data Initiative

Corrections made since the initial release of the 2023 Electricity ATB are listed on the errata page.

2023 ATB Data

Download the 2023 ATB Excel Workbook

Each year, the NREL ATB data are presented in an Excel workbook that contains detailed cost and performance data (both current and projected) for renewable and conventional technologies. The workbook contains a spreadsheet with data and calculations for each technology. 

Download the 2023 ATB Summary CSV Files

These CSV files summarize in database-friendly form the capital expenditures, operations expenditures, and capacity factor, as well as the financial assumptions and the levelized cost of energy, for each technology. They are reformatted from the summary section of the spreadsheet, which documents the underlying calculations and data. The same data are also available in the Apache Parquet format.

Download All 2023 Tableau Workbooks

The charts on the ATB website were developed in a set of Tableau workbooks. These 19 workbooks are available as a single zip file. You can download a single workbook by following the instructions below to download a PowerPoint, but click on Tableau Workbook in the download menu. 

Instructions to Download Any Tableau Figure as PowerPoint

  1. Navigate to the Tableau visualization on the webpage.
  2. Use the interactive filters to develop the view that you want.
  3. Click the download button in the lower right-hand corner.
  4. Select “PowerPoint”
  5. Select “This View”
  6. Click “Download”
  7. Select “view” or “save” the export, which consists of the current view and the set of active selection filters in a PowerPoint file.

Download All Related Data

View the entire OEDI entry for the 2023 ATB, including links to all of the above, previous versions of the data, parameter data with detailed CAPEX breakdowns, example scripts, and more.

2023 Electricity ATB Webinar

The 2023 Electricity Annual Technology Baseline Launch Webinar was held on July 24, 2023. During the webinar, the ATB team reviewed the 2023 updates and answered questions from attendees. To learn more, please view the presentation slides and webinar recording

ATB-calc GitHub Repository

Python files and Jupyter notebooks for processing the ATB data and determining LCOE and other metrics are available on GitHub. The ATB team held a webinar covering some example use cases for ATB-calc and answered questions. A recording is available.

Past ATB Data

For data from past years-and an accompanying summary and documentation-see the ATB archives.

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