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Acronyms and Abbreviations

ACalternating current
AEOAnnual Energy Outlook (U.S. Energy Information Administration)
AIaccumulated interest
ATBAnnual Technology Baseline
AUSCadvanced ultra-supercritical 
BESSbattery energy storage system(s)
BNEFBloomberg NEF
BOSbalance of system
BOPbalance of plant
CAPEXcapital expenditures
CCcombined cycle
CFcapacity factor
CFDCDC-rated capacity
CFCconstruction financing cost
cfscubic feet per second
CO2carbon dioxide
CODcommercial operation date
CCScarbon capture and storage
CRFcapital recovery factor
CRPcost recovery period
CSPconcentrating solar power
CSVcomma-separated values
CTcombustion turbine
DCdirect current
DFdebt fraction
dGenDistributed Generation Market Demand Model
DNIdirect normal irradiance
DOEU.S. Department of Energy
DSCRdebt service coverage ratio
EEREEnergy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, Office of
EGSenhanced geothermal system
EIAU.S. Energy Information Administration
E/Penergy to power ratio
EPCengineering, procurement, and construction
ETSAPEnergy Technology Systems Analysis Program (IEA)
FCRfixed charge rate
FECMDOE Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management
FOMfixed operation and maintenance
FORCEForecasting Offshore Wind Reductions in Cost of Energy
FORGEFrontier Observatory for Research in Geothermal Energy
GCCgrid connection costs
GETEMGeothermal Electricity Technology Evaluation Model
GHIglobal horizontal irradiance
GWACgigawatt, alternating current
GWegigawatt electrical
HIDEAHydropower Integrated Design and Economic Analysis
HRSGheat recovery steam generator
IDCinterest during construction
IEAInternational Energy Agency
IGCCintegrated gasification combined cycle
ILRinverter loading ratio
IPintermediate pressure
IPPindependent power producer
IRinterest rate
IRENAInternational Renewable Energy Agency
ITCinvestment tax credit
ITRPVInternational Technology Roadmap for Photovoltaic 
kWACkilowatt, alternating current
kWDCkilowatt, direct current
kWekilowatt electrical
kWhACkilowatt-hour, alternating current
LCOElevelized cost of energy
LFPlithium iron phosphate
LIBlithium-ion battery
LIBORLondon Inter-bank Offered Rate
LPlow pressure
LRlearning rate
MACRSmodified accelerated cost recovery system
MMBtumetric million British thermal unit
MSPminimum sustainable price
MWACmegawatt, alternating current
MWDCmegawatt, direct current
MWemegawatt electrical
NCFnet cash flow
NETLNational Energy Technology Laboratory
NF-EGSnear-hydrothermal field enhanced geothermal system
NGCCnatural gas combined cycle
NGCTnatural gas combustion turbine
N/Anot applicable
NMCnickel manganese cobalt
NPDnonpowered dam
NRELNational Renewable Energy Laboratory
NSDnew stream-reach development
NSRDBNational Solar Radiation Database
O&Moperation and maintenance
OCCovernight capital cost
OPEXoperating expense
ORCAOffshore Regional Cost Analyzer
PCpulverized coal
PCCCpost-combustion carbon capture
PERCpassivated emitter and rear cell
PPApower purchase agreement
PSHpumped storage hydropower
psigpounds per square inch gauge
PTCproduction tax credit
R&Dresearch and development
ReEDSRegional Energy Deployment System
reVRenewable Energy Potential 
ROPrate of penetration
RROErate of return on equity
RTEround-trip efficiency
SAMSystem Advisor Model
SHJsilicon heterojunction
TESthermal energy storage
TMYtypical meteorological year
TRGtechno-resource group
USDU.S. dollars
USGSUnited States Geological Survey
VOMvariable operation and maintenance
WACwatt, alternating current
WDCwatt, direct current
WACCweighted average cost of capital
WINDWind Integration National Dataset
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Problem Text